RATS DMRVA Codeplugs
A DMR codeplug is a complete configuration file for a radio, containing all of the contacts, channels, zones, and other settings required to access DMR talk groups. Codeplug file formats vary by manufacturer and occasionally by model. As different radios have various channel selection mechanisms and bank capacities, different RF band support, and other variations in capabilities and programming, proper code plugs are essentially unique to each model of radio. Many users prefer to start from a pre-built codeplug since it can sometimes eliminate many hours of tedious programming which may not be fully understood.
As of August 2022, DMRVA no longer furnishes pre-built codeplugs for its network. In December 2023, RATS stepped up to fill the gap by offering codeplugs for a handful of models which can be converted to support many other radios using a conversion utility. You will find those codeplugs on this page.
These codeplugs are the result of a volunteer effort by a few RATS members. All inquiries regarding these codeplugs should be directed to codeplug-request@rats.net.
As of February 1, 2025, all of our codeplugs are being offered to the general public. No RATS membership is required.
General Information
Full Codeplugs: RATS is maintaining two official master codeplugs that cover the entire DMRVA+HEARS repeater network. These are built for the Connect Systems CS750 and Connect Systems CS800D. These codeplugs are in a format that can be easily converted to support over 40 other radios using the N0GSG DMR Contact Manager. These files are a starting point. You will need to perform some further editing to set your radio ID and any additional repeaters, configure various radio settings, build scan lists to your preferences, etc.
Limited (LTD) Codeplugs: RATS is also maintaining a small number of limited codeplugs that support certain popular radios which cannot be converted using the N0GSG tool. These LTD codeplugs usually contain only the repeaters within the Richmond Metro cluster (RIC, BEA, GCH, MDX, NKC, PBG, POR, POW).
Motorola (Moto440) Codeplugs: Our official master codeplug for Motorola radios is built for an early firmware of the XPR7550e. We are currently converting this master file to other radio models using copy-and-paste in the Motorola CPS 2.0 environment. We will soon publish a tutorial on DIY conversions from our master codeplug. All official RATS codeplugs are built for the current Motorola CPS 2.0, but we do have some member-contributed codeplugs for the older CPS 16 system.
Member Contributed Codeplugs: Some RATS members have contributed their own codeplugs to this effort. These codeplugs may not follow the same zone and channel layouts, geographic area, or zone naming conventions of the official RATS codeplugs. Some may date back to older DMRVA talkgroup lineups and could contain outdated configurations. Use at your own risk.
Codeplug add-ons and codeplugs for neighboring systems can be found on our Specialty Codeplugs page.
Why is my radio marked "do not use on the RATS repeater" in the list of supported hardware? A very limited number of models commonly exhibit defects that are detrimental to other users of the system. Some are not true dual-timeslot radios and may interfere with users on the other timeslot. Others have some serious issues with spurious emissions. Please do not use these radios on the RATS DMR repeater. Learn more about these problems.
Please take note of the following important caveats applicable to all files:
You will need to set your radio ID in the codeplug before loading to your radio.
Unless otherwise noted, codeplugs are designed for use with the manufacturer's official CPS. Your mileage may vary using third party CPS or conversion tools.
No private contacts are included in these codeplugs but these may be manually added by the user.
These files are dependent on the accuracy and completeness of information furnished by DMRVA and the other repeater operators around the region. If you find an error or other problem in the RATS codeplugs, please send a note to codeplug-request@rats.net. We appreciate your feedback!
About Codeplug Versions
Codeplug packages are named with both a DMRVA talkgroup matrix version and a release date. Talkgroup matrix version numbers are a product of the RATS Codeplug Project.
DMRVA1.0 (old) - pre-December 2023. Assigned to all codeplugs created prior to the December 2023 DMRVA+HEARS partnership and talkgroup changes. These codeplugs will contain many invalid/retired talkgroups. Several member-contributed codeplugs use the DMRVA1.0 lineup. Includes legacy DMRVA-maintained codeplugs.
DMRVA2.0 (old) - December 2023. Initial DMRVA+HEARS repeater lineup and talkgroup changes. This was the first major change to talkgroup configurations on the DMRVA system in over a decade.
DMRVA2.1 (old) - April 2024. South Boston (SBO) frequency & color code changes. Some DMRVA2.0 codeplugs included this change but did not get a new version number due to an oversight.
DMRVA2.2 (old) - June 2024. Adds new Goochland (GCH) zone in LTD and Full codeplugs. Adds Portables (POR) to LTD codeplugs.
DMRVA2.3 (Current) - August 2024. Adds Farmville (FVL) to Richmond Metro cluster and LTD codeplugs. Drop Fredericksburg #1 (FB1), and temporarily drop Linden (LIN). Remove WV Statewide from GCH zone.
DMRVA2.4 (Coming Soon) - estimated February 2025. Adds Middlesex (MDX) zone to LTD and Full codeplugs. Adds Franklin County (FKN) zone to Full codeplugs. South Hill (SOU) repeater frequency change. Additional changes pending release of updated talkgroup matrix.
Incremental update files have been discontinued.
Channel Naming Conventions
RATS codeplugs are designed to provide a consistent layout across all supported radio makes and models. One of the many little details we have obsessed over is the use of clear, consistent channel labels in all of our codeplugs. Channel labels consist of a 3- to 5-character site (or zone) identifier, followed by the talkgroup name. If you are developing your own codeplugs for distribution, you are strongly encouraged to respect existing site IDs.
Many DMR systems have standardized site IDs, usually 3 characters. The DMRVA site IDs found in the RATS codeplugs (for the most part) date back to the DMRVA-hosted codeplugs that have been circulating for over a decade. As the primary codeplug maintainer for the DMRVA network, we have taken the liberty of establishing site IDs for new systems as they have joined the DMRVA network. Some examples of DMRVA site IDs are RIC (Richmond), NKC (New Kent County), and LX1 (Lexington #1). Here is a full list of DMRVA site IDs.
Foreign Zones
We offer several codeplugs for neighboring DMR systems. Where established site IDs could be determined from existing codeplugs or other materials, we have respected those IDs in our own codeplugs. We add a 2-character prefix to the foreign zone ID to help identify which system the channel belongs to. For example, ISALX is the ALX (Alexandria) repeater on the Interstate (IS) network.
Analog vs Digital Channels
The 3- to 5-character site ID will be in all-caps for a digital channel, but mixed-case for an analog channel. "SPX 441.0" is a digital channel, and "Spx 446.0" is analog. This convention is unique to RATS-created codeplugs. Many radios do not otherwise indicate the mode of operation, so this label makes it easy to quickly determine whether the channel is FM or DMR.
Quick Codeplug Finder
See full details and important compatibility notes in the Current List of Supported Hardware.
If your radio is listed as "conversion required" refer to our Codeplug Conversion page for instructions.
If your radio is listed as "possible future support" or "supportable on request" send us a note at codeplug-request@rats.net. It may take a few weeks to assemble your codeplug.